Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

All you need to know about Energeenies

1. What is Energeenies?

Energeenies is an edutainment geolocation-type game. The main purpose is to instill a stronger awareness of and conscientiousness towards current environmental issues, with emphasis on renewable energy vs non-renewable energy as well as CO2 levels and Carbon Footprint.

The Player will be rewarded for actions and achievements in the game. These rewards are earned by the Player, in the role of an Agent, when he/she encounters a diverse range of energy driven creatures called Energeenies. By interacting with them and making a positive impact on the environment by his/ her actions, the Player will receive green incentives and rewards.

Then, green incentives in the real world will be implemented to reward players for actions and achievements in game.

2. What are Energeenies?

Energeenies are pure energy beings from another dimension. Originally, their arrival on earth is meant to keep an Energy balance between our world and their own, while highlighting energy and environmental issues on earth.

After an imbalance in CO2 levels, there’s a surge in the influx of Energeenies. Your mission is to collect and guide Energeenies in their endeavours to keep the world green. Due to their capricious nature and their excessive numbers, you play a pivotal role in keeping them on the right path.

Upon arriving on earth, they align themselves with an energy type. They roam around freely looking for sources of Energy. Each one can be collected in its own Energenie Card. The different Energenie types are:

  • a. Biomass
  • b. Wind
  • c. Hydro
  • d. Solar
  • e. Geothermal
  • f. Gas
  • g. Nuclear
  • h. Oil
  • i. Coal
  • j. FireIce
  • k. Fusion

Energeenies go through 5 different stages of evolution and level up 20 times per evolution.

  • a. Evolution requires Level 20, corresponding Agent (Player) Rank, eBits and Catalysts
  • b. Levelling up requires Energenie Cards and eBits

They’re highly competitive and often engage in battle with each other. Each evolutionary stage of an Energenie comes with its own different combination of attack moves and stats (short for statistics). Stats (in Battle) include:

  • a. Health
  • b. Speed
  • c. Defense
  • d. Attack

They also have one more meter called Charge. Landing basic attacks fills this up. When sufficiently charged, Special Attacks can be deployed.

Different weather and surroundings’ conditions improve attack stats if the Energenie has affinity with the prevalent conditions.

3. How does the Player’s choice of Energenie type impact play style and outcomes?

A player’s choice of Energenie type – renewable or non-renewable - strongly affects play style and outcomes both in a short and a long-term sense.

Some examples of short-term effects include those produced by Energenie attacks in battle. For instance, if the player uses the Nuclear type Energenie, its moves will have tremendous power. However, since this Energenie has a very volatile nature, using it is a sort of double-edged sword. All of its moves produce self-crippling effects in proportion to damage/effects dealt to the opponent. This is designed intentionally to illustrate the power Nuclear energy harnesses, but it can also be extremely dangerous when handled improperly.

Long-term effects can be seen in stats as the differences grow along a gradient and become more pronounced. In most cases, the stats for non-renewable type Energeenies will start off as stronger than renewable ones. The scales will soon start to shift in the other direction - that is, in favour of renewable ones - once the player starts levelling up and evolving his/her Energeenies. On the other hand, non-renewable ones will gradually yield more diminishing returns.

The two main differences in levelling up and evolution that become more notable throughout the course of the game are:

  • a. Cost in eBits: Spending eBits (soft currency) is a requirement for both levelling up and evolving Energeenies. The more progress is made, the more these upgrades for non-renewable type Energeenies will cost when compared to renewable type ones
  • b. Stat differences: The higher Energeenies climb their levelling up and evolutionary scale, the more the renewable type Energeenies’ stat advantages become evident. In other words, non-renewable type Energeenies start off strong but renewable type ones grow stronger

4. What do you mean when you say ‘Agent’?

In summary, the Agent stands for a blending of identities between the player and the Avatar s/he controls in-game. This increases a sense of personalisation and identification with that Avatar. The term Agent also implies that the player has been carefully hand-picked to carry out important environment-related missions by Roboto.

5. Who’s Roboto and what’s its connection to Energeenies and Agents?

Roboto starts off as a portal keeper between our world and that of the Energeenies. As it arrives on earth, it’s role is mainly three-fold:

  • a. Roboto is an extension of the Agent. When the Agent’s movement is restricted, Roboto can be deployed and controlled to remotely access areas beyond the active one (demarcated by a force field). Roboto’s battery will start to deplete once it ventures off beyond the force field and into the zone beyond. Before the battery reaches zero, the Agent must call Roboto back to dock itself in the player’s backpack and recharge.
  • b. Roboto is deployed to place Generators as well as Beacons.
  • c. Roboto is also a guide who teaches the Agent about gameplay, while also imparting general knowledge in the form of little trivia tidbits or nuggets of wisdom about the environment.

6. How does the Battle system work?

Battle is one of the gameplay pillars. The Agent must pit his Energeenies in battle against Wild Energeenies. This becomes possible when Energeenies are encountered in the Overworld. There are 3 types of opponents:

  • a. Wild Energeenies (obtainable type)
  • b. Guzzlers (buffed up and corrupted versions. These will also serve for in-game marketing as they are directly sponsored by tech brands. Defeating them in battle redeems them, transforming them from being associated with old high-consumption machinery to clean energy counterparts)
  • c. Titans (bosses)

A prerequisite to engaging in battle is setting up at least one Energenie Party (min. 1 – max. 4 Energeenies). This affects your strategic approach in battle as you act as a team manager and carefully pick your Energenie/s most suitable for the task at hand. You may also swap them in and out of battle at will.

After winning, the Agent adds the Energenie to his/her team by collecting the Energenie Card representative of the Energenie and that is left behind after battle (not applicable for Titans).

The objective of battle is to defeat an opponent Energenie by reducing its Health to 0.

Basic attacks can be used any time after being fully cooled down. A cool-down meter indicates how much a move has heated up as well as how much time is left until it fully cools down and is once again active. Landing basic attacks fills up Charge. This fuels special attacks, which come in a variety of types: some deal direct damage, others inflict status effects, while others improve Agent’s own stats.

Defeating Wild Energeenies in battle comes with its own rewards:

  • a. Defeating Energenie: (used to summon the Energenie and evolve Energeenies)
  • b. Defeating Guzzler: + Enigmatic Medallion (useful to increase the Energeenies’ levels)
  • c. Defeating Titan: sets Titan on the right path; Agent receives several items (incl. Enigmatic Medallions)

7. What’s the Powerstation (HQ) and how does the Agent interact with it?

The Powerstation is the Agent’s HQ. The main purpose here is to convert raw materials into eBits (soft currency). It’s modular and every component is upgradable. It consists of:

  • a. Slots: where Power Units are constructed. The Agent can add more by purchasing them, using eBits.
  • b. Power Units: Expanding the Powerstation using Slots makes room to install Power Units. Power Units harvest raw materials, which in turn send the materials to the Energy Hub and convert them into eBits. They are upgradeable against a cost in eBIts. Power Units can be recycled and converted into other energy type ones against a cost in eBits. Also, when a Generator is placed in the Overworld, a Power Unit of the same element will get an efficiency/productivity boost.
  • c. Research Centre: Upgrading the Research Centre will unlock more types of Power Units for the Agent to choose from and install. Every upgrade here also gives a boost to Generators placed in the overworld. The boost level is scalable
  • d. Battery: Battery stores eBits generated at the Tower. It has a capacity limit (upgradable). Players can claim eBits from here when the minimum amount of 50% is stored.

Due to its design, and high requirement of eBits to upgrade Power Plant components, the player is incentivised either to play the game at length, or to simply purchase items in the store using real money (eCoins) as a shortcut to obtain ebits faster. An example of an item available for purchase is a Rush Module. This is bought for eCoins from the store to instantly finish levelling up a Power Plant component.

The Energy Tower of a player in a region with the highest-level HQ will be globally visible on the map by all other players but interaction with it won’t be possible

8. What are Generators and how do they add to the gameplay?

Generators are used to produce eBits and improve Energenie spawn rate.

These are used in conjunction with Energenie Cards. The Generator will be associated with the same energy type as the one of that Energenie. In turn, the spawn rate of the same type of Energenie will be boosted. Meanwhile, Experience for the Energenie who’s card is used will also increase. Depending on the type of Generator and Energenie, the productivity/efficiency rate will vary.

Once the player decides where to place a Generator, Roboto is deployed to do the heavy lifting and place it.

Generators are obtained by increasing the Agent’s rank or by purchasing them in the store.

9. How do renewable and non-renewable Generators and Power Units differ?

Just like with Energeenies, the player’s choice of Elements also affects Generators and Power Units.

Let’s look at Generators first. non-renewable ones have faster eBits production rate but burn out more quickly. Conversely, renewable ones tend to have a slower production rate but longer lifespan.

In the long run, renewable is more sustainable and will yield more benefits with enough time and patience.

Power Units are found in the HQ. These take the following components:

  • Biomass Fermenter
  • Coal Power Block
  • Fusion Reactor
  • Gas Plant
  • Geothermal Turbine
  • Hydro Electric Generator
  • Methane Drill
  • Nuclear Station
  • Oil Pump
  • Solar Panel
  • Wind Turbine

If an Agent starts with a renewable type , s/he’ll probably want to continue investing in the same structure. Non-renewable types start off with a high output, but as they increase in levels, their rate of production decreases. As a result, this makes switching to a renewable type for more time and cost-effective.

Power Units are purchased directly from the Powerstation. The Agent selects the energy type as well as Modules situated under the Energy Hub where to place Power Units. This costs eBits.

Upgrading Power Units also costs eBits and takes time. The higher the level, the higher the cost and the longer the installation process takes. The higher the level, the more the discrepancy in efficiency between non-renewable and renewable type Power Units is pronounced. In any case, Agents can purchase Rush Modules to complete the levelling up process instantly. This costs eCoins.

Nuclear and FireIce Power Units have unique values. Their output is higher than other non-renewable types but lower than renewable ones. Fusion type Power Units have the highest productivity from start to end throughout the entire upgrading course.

10. What’s the Overworld and how does the player move in it?

The Overworld is a virtual representation of our world. The Agent navigates in it to interact with Energeenies (do battle with them, collect them, etc.), place Generators, Beacons etc. The Powerstation is visible above the Agent and acts as a sort of GPS anchor. All menus are accessible in the Overworld.

There are 3 ways to navigate: physically walking, using a virtual control stick, or by sending out Roboto.

There is an active area (delineated by a surrounding Force Field) defining the maximum range a player can travel using a virtual control stick visible on screen.

Roboto can be sent out beyond the limit of the Force Field and controlled remotely. However, Roboto has a battery lifespan that must be replenished by spending Energy Cells or docking Roboto in the backpack on the Avatar’s back.

The Agent can also deploy Beacons to extend the active area. Beacons can be purchased in the store by using eBits.

11. How is CO2 implemented in the game?

On screen, there’s a CO2 meter. This indicates the CO2 levels prevalent in the area where the Agent is operating at the time of play. The Agent’s actions such as the choice of Energenie for battle impact CO2 levels. This, in turn, has its effects on the game. Effects include:

When CO2 reaches critical level:

  • a. Wild Energeenies’ spawn rate is reduced by 30%
  • b. Renewable Energeenies’– both wild and owned – Stats (statistics) are impacted negatively

When CO2 is at optimal levels:

  • a. Wild Energeenies’ spawn rate increases by 40%

12. How does Green Karma represent the player’s morality?

Green Karma is another meter and this translates loosely as ‘Agent’s environmental consciousness or conscientiousness’. Any action taken by the Agent increases or decreases the level on this meter. There are 2 types of Green Karma:

+ve and -ve +ve benefits:

  • a. Increased chance of getting more Energenie Cards after battle
  • b. Improved XP yield that helps increase rank
  • c. Max amount of Karma gives discounts at the store on items that cost eBits
  • d. When the minimum necessary amount is met, tiers in Green Season events are unlocked. Any percentage of Green Karma converts to Green Experience (Green EXP), which is used to move up through the tiers

-ve detriments:

  • a. Reduces spawn rate of wild renewable type Energeenies
  • b. Reduces chance of getting more than one Energenie Card after winning a battle
  • c. Committing actions deemed non-green or environmentally unfriendly while in the negative range, result in the Agent losing Green Experience (Green EXP). This not only hampers his/her progress, but may result in the Agent falling to a lower tier.

13. What is the impact of regional effects on Energeenies?

Several factors such as CO2 levels, weather conditions, terrain type and other environmental surroundings bear effects on Energeenies’ performance, and therefore gameplay at large.

  • a. CO2 critical or optimal level – affects Energeenies’ spawn rate as well as Energenie performance in battle
  • b. Weather and environmental surroundings – Different Energeenies have affinity with particular weather conditions and physical surroundings. When the weather or physical surroundings are favourable for a particular Energenie, spawn rate is increased and that Energenie’ performance in battle is also enhanced thanks to temporarily boosted Stats.

14. How is awareness of Carbon Footprint in the real world instilled in the game?

The Agent’s made aware of carbon footprint’s impact on the environment through a form of in-game general education. Roboto will frequently give tidbits of information about carbon footprint, environment impact, etc. apart from other useful game-related information.

15. How does the Agent rank up and what are the benefits?

Wild Energeenies in the Overworld have varying levels of difficulty. The Agent can’t interact with Energeenies unless s/he increases rank sufficiently beforehand. The same applies for battling with Guzzlers and Titans.

Increasing rank happens by accumulating Prestige. This is done by:

  • a. Defeating opponents
  • b. Acquiring new Energeenies
  • c. Evolving Energeenies
  • d. Placing Generators

Increasing rank also unlocks:

  • a. Powerstation (once Rank 6 is reached)
  • b. Ability to move up through tiers during Green Seasons
  • c. Energenie Evolutionary stages

16. What are the Atlas and Codex?

The Atlas is a sort of digital manual containing Energenie lore of other game world and environment-related information.

The Codex allows the player to revisit tutorials while exploring, in more depth, gameplay mechanics. It also reveals other useful tips, both about the game and about real-world environmental facts.

All this information is relayed by Roboto.

17. What are Energeenies Seasons?

Energeenies Seasons are special events that last approx. 94 days. Agents can rise up through the tiers and earn rewards. This requires the Agent to earn Green Karma through performing environmentally positive actions. A percentage of Green Karma will automatically convert to Green Experience (Green EXP). The higher your Green Karma gained, the higher the percentage rate of conversion to Green EXP. On the other hand, negative actions bear negative Green Karma. This not only hinders your progress up through tiers but may result in the Agent dropping back down to lower tiers.

One tier = 500 Green Experience (Green EXP); total = 100 tiers.

A Season Pass can be purchased, giving the status of Premium Player. Rewards for premium players will be more frequent and generous. Season Pass costs eCoins.

Agents who reach a certain tier by the end of the season, receive special rewards such as an exclusive Energenie with an enhanced move set. Agents will also receive special medals according to the tier they finished in.

Green Karma and Green EXP are both reset back to 0 at the end of a season. And once a new season starts, the Agent will have to start again from Tier 1.

18. What are Green Events?

Green Events last approx. 13 days. During these events, special play circumstances/parameters outlined at the beginning of an event will be introduced that will reward the Agent for carrying out specific actions. For instance, placing a Generator will be rewarded with double the usual Experience or evolving a specific type of Energenie will be rewarded with double Green Karma. These are only two possible examples from a longer list.

At the end of an event, players will receive rewards depending on their level of Green Karma achieved.

19. What are Daily Quests?

Every day, players will receive 3 random quests from a longer predetermined list. Tasks tend to vary in nature and difficulty.

By completing these, Agents earn eBits, healing items, and Catalysts. Completing a task also gives a stamp. Collecting 4 stamps makes the player entitled to claim even more rewards.

20. What are Achievements?

Achievements are a set of fixed tasks the player completes during his/her time playing the game. Rewards include completion badges and permanent increase in ‘chance’ to get more Energenie Cards after winning battles.

21. What Login Bonuses does the Player receive?

Agents will receive free daily bonuses upon signing in. The order of these bonuses is pre-set and every time the player signs in, he receives the next one. This means that even if s/he skips a day, s/he won’t miss that bonus as it will be on hold until signing in. These may include healing items, eBits, Catalysts, and other items usually obtained by way of normal gameplay.

22. What can be bought at the store?

Various items can be bought at the store. These can cost either eCoins or eBits. Items include:

  • a. Healing items
  • b. Generators
  • c. Containers (treasure chests of sorts at varying costs containing mystery Energenie Cards of varying rarity)
  • d. Character customisation items
  • e. Catalysts (items for Evolution)
  • f. Beacons
  • g. Space to increase player’s item inventory
  • h. Space in Energenie collection inventory

23. What customisation options are there for the Avatar?

Players can customise their avatars by purchasing cosmetic/clothing items from the store. These can be bought by using eCoins or eBits. Items that cost eCoins will be higher in quality or more stylish, making them more prestigious and sought after.

24. How is monetization implemented in the game?

To play Energeenies, the player doesn't need to purchase any eCoins to progress through the game and enjoy almost all of its contents for free.

That being said, players will be led to spend money indirectly, as players need a heavy supply of eBits to progress through the game. This can be done in two ways: either by spending a lot of time playing the game, only making use of the free content that the game provides, or by spending money to purchase eCoins, the player can buy items, like Generators, Catalysts and other items that allow him/her to progress through the game more quickly. This is a common technique used in Free-to-Play titles (especially in the mobile games industry)

Players can also use eCoins to purchase what is called an Energenie Container. This Container gives the player a random Energenie Card. There will be several types of Energenie Containers, each with varying degrees of rarity which greatly improve the odds of giving the player a better Energenie. This is called a “Gatcha System”, where players buy a product which gives them a surprise item for a price.

Also, while not necessary for progress through the game, certain exclusive customisation items will be only accessible through the store against a cost in eCoins. Character customisation is a very popular monetisation strategy in most games these days. Therefore, selling highly coveted cosmetic items in the marketplace adds more optional fun value to the player’s gaming experience without imposing expenses.

In the future, Monetisation can be expanded by using a concept called "limiting rewards over engagement" which is an idea that incentives a purchase due to the player playing “too much.” This can be implemented by introducing a questing system that gives rewards but halts its progress if the player progresses too fast. To continue, the player has to either wait a predetermined amount of time, or use eCoins to instantly unlock the next set of quests/rewards.

Battle Passes are a system which gives opportunities to the player to get more value out of their playtime. A Battle Pass works by incentivising the player to accumulate points that go towards a tier. Regular Players will be able to get some small rewards but there is an option to opt into a Premium echelon with its own category of deluxe rewards. This gives the player even more rewards upon increasing his/her tier. Our version of the "Battle Pass" (called Green Season), has a very similar implementation but with the twist of having the player’s progress cut back if s/he performs negative actions.

One more monetisation strategy will compensate the player in real life for signing up for an account with Energeenies as well as for spending fixed amounts of eCoins in game. More specifically:

  • Signing up for an account - Energeenies will plant a tree in real life
  • For every €4.99 spent in the game store - Energeenies will save 2 m 2 of rainforest land

25. How can the player impact the Environment in real life through the game?

By taking certain specific actions, the player will be compensated in ways that contribute to environmental conservationism. By signing up for an account with Energeenies, the company will place a tree in real life. Then, for every €4.99 spent in the game store, 2 m 2 of rainforest land will be preserved. This way, the player will feel that s/he’s taking concrete actions in the real world that are an extension of a higher environmental awareness and conscientiousness gradually harnessed in the game.

26. Push Notifications

While the player is not playing Energeenies, they will also receive Push Notifications through their Phone regarding Game Updates, Random Trivia, or even In-game actions that might need the player's attention.